Come to the Studio+Store this Saturday 10am-4pm for PLAY DATE! An interactive event for kids and parents to explore local design and shop modern baby and kids bedding, décor, and toys at great discounts. We’ll have A Muse here to help kids and parents make their own customized hand-screened Unison pillow. Grow Studio will be here selling her first batch of cleverly designed eco-friendly houses for kids. Our local West Town bakery, Sweet Cakes, will be here offering their best mini-cupcakes and…drumroll…iced coffee for the parents! Don’t forget, we’ll be taking 30% off our entire line of baby and kids bedding for the event.

Plus we are debuting a line of exclusive baby booties by newcomer January Prints! January is by our very own Michelle Vondiziano, Sales Manager. Here is her little girl Inez wearing the first production! Super soft tricot lined, for ages 0-6 months and 6-12 months. They are adorable mini high tops for your little one!

Also featuring Hillery Sproatt for Unison! Hillery made these AMAZING hand crafted dolls and mobiles with Unison and January fabrics! Each doll has embroidered hair and is one-of-a-kind. Doesn’t get sweeter than this!

Here are Grow Studio’s “Little Dollhouses for Little Hands” made locally with 100% recyclable materials. They are so cute! We can’t wait to get our little hands on them. Will be for sale at PLAYDATE, plus meet maker and founder, Alyson Beaton!