For a modern aesthetic, form + function are key. We all want to minimize clutter and have “a place for everything and everything in its place,” and adding a bench to your decorating plan can make all the difference. We’re highlighting three ways to use an indoor bench for your home, making it the new and versatile go-to furniture necessity:
1. Entryway

A bench for your entryway or foyer is the perfect catch for incoming clutter. Use it for seating as you unpack from the day, store your bags, or even add a tray for keys and sundries and use it as a dual bench/entryway table.
2. Bedroom

Clothing can pile up in the bedroom, especially if you’re in a rush in the morning. Incorporate a bench into your aesthetic and use it as part of your decluttering system if you’re too busy to put everything away at once. Having a bed without clothes or things you last-minute took out of your purse will make you feel that much better when you come home, and from there it’s an easy step to taking things off the bench and putting them away in their proper place.
3. Extra Seating

We all have that occasion where we could use some extra seating in a pinch, and a bench is the perfect solution. Relieve it from its main function in the hall, bedroom, or guest room, and make use of its versatility by providing extra seating for two or three more people.
See more seating and storage solutions at